Patient Participation Group

What is a Patient Participation Group/PPG?

The Patient Participation Group – or PPG for short – is about patients of the DMMC working together with the practice to:-

  • Improve & encourage communication between patients & GPs and all practice staff.
  • To discuss new ways of helping patients to look after their own health, always with the continued support of their GP and practice staff, in a positive and interesting way.
  • To discuss topics of mutual interest, as they arise, to patients and the practice.
  • To encourage ideas & discussion about ways of improving practice, services and facilities within the surgery for the benefit of patients, GP’s medical and administrative personnel
  • To discuss ways of improving patient satisfaction in respect of their experience of the service they receive at our surgery.

The PPG meets at regular intervals at the surgery at pre-arranged times that are most suitable to the majority of PPG members. 

We are sensitive to the fact that some patients can not attend meetings in person, but would still like to join the PPG. To help to achieve this we are introducing a ‘Virtual PPG’. We will communicate (via email) with Virtual PPG members from time to time to invite them to complete questionnaires about topics that have been raised, and to invite feed back about issues they think need to be addressed. We are hopeful that this will broaden the scope of patient participation within our surgery. 

The DMMC is keen to continue to work with PPG members as a valuable collaboration between patients and our surgery and staff. We welcome all interested patients to contact Christine or Ann for membership information.

The PPG isn’t a forum for individuals to voice their own personal health issues, or interests that are not related to the surgery, and it isn’t a support group for patients. The main aim of the PPG is to bring about changes within the DMMC which will continue to be of benefit to all of our patients and practice staff in a constructive and positive way. 

Any personal issues/concerns can of course be raised in the usual way by contacting the surgery.

Thank you for your interest,

Christine Colls, Practice Manager and Ann Osborne IT Office Manager