From the 1st September 2016 the practice will launch a repeat dispensing service for patients currently using the electronic prescription service (EPS). The new service will allow your Pharmacist to reissue your repeat prescriptions for a period of up to a year, without contacting your GP.
If you, or someone you care for, are on regular repeat medication and your GP thinks you would be suitable for this service, you will be contacted by the surgery and you will be switched to your pharmacy’s repeat dispensing service.
Simply collect your repeat medication from your pharmacy and you will be informed when your next repeat will be available for your collection. If you do not need an item of medication inform the pharmacist and they will only supply what is required. It is also important to let the pharmacy know of any changes to your medication.
When the pharmacy issues the last electronic repeat prescription, you will be informed that you will need to contact the surgery to request further electronic prescriptions. You may then be informed by the surgery that you need to make an appointment for a medication review.
If you have any queries regarding this new service, please speak to a member of staff.