Chronic disease clinic

Over the last few years we have been providing our Practice Nurses with advanced training in chronic disease management. This means that they have extensive knowledge and experience in the management of conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma and high blood pressure. If you have been diagnosed with one of these conditions, your Doctor will involve the Practice Nurse in your care at the earliest opportunity. We also offer a Specialist Health Clinic for patients with more complex cases.

Once your condition has been stabilised, the Practice Nurse will assume responsibility for the monitoring and routine follow-up of your chronic disease. This will involve you making an appointment to see the Practice Nurse regularly for a review. The Practice Nurse will advise you how frequently you need to be seen and if you need to have any blood tests taking before your appointment. If this monitoring reveals any problems that may require a significant change in therapy, the Practice Nurse will refer you back to your Doctor.

However, if at any time you develop new symptoms that you are concerned about, you should make an appointment to see either the Practice Nurse or your Doctor.

Child Immunisations

The practice runs a clinic for baby and toddler immunisations.  This is with one of our Practice Nurses and is held every Wednesday.

Cervical smears

The Practice has a screening programme with automatic recall. Current recommendations state that women between 25 and 49 years should have a smear test every 3 years and women between 50 and 64 years should be tested every 5 years. A smear test is a simple way of assessing the health of the cervix. Experts can check and recognise changes which suggest that cancer may develop in the future.

Please contact the Surgery for your result. Occasionally you may be asked to have a repeat test. This can be for technical reasons (the cell sample was obscured) or because there is a concern regarding some of the cells.

The Doctors may be instructed to repeat the test at intervals or to refer you to a gynaecologist for a closer inspection or for colposcopy (an out patient procedure).

We know that some of our patients do not take up the offer of cervical screening, despite several invitations. If you have not responded to 3 invitations we will send you a letter to sign, instructing us that you do not wish to take part in the screening programme.

You will be given the opportunity every 5 years to change your mind.

You can see any of our nurses for a smear test.

Ante-Natal Clinics

Midwifes are based at the Evesham Medical Centre.

Once you have a positive result to confirm that you are pregnant you can contact your GP surgery who will refer you to the Midwife Team.

You will be provided with contact telephone numbers to enable you to contact a Midwife at any time if you have concerns or problems.

Adult immunisations

We recommend an influenza immunisation to all patients aged 65 or over and patients with chronic heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes and asthma and residents of nursing and rest homes or a carer. This is usually available during October and November and clinics are run during this time. Please ask at Reception for details.

Immunisation with pneumococcal vaccine (Pneumovax), which is a one off vaccination, is also available and currently recommended for the over 65’s and those with chronic illness. This can be done at the same time as the ’flu vaccination.

All patients are encouraged to keep their tetanus immunity up to date; after the initial course of 5 tetanus vaccinations has been given, no further vaccination should be required unless there has been a major injury or travel to a remote area with limited access to medical facilities is planned. Single dose tetanus is no longer available – it is now a combination shot called Revaxis which combines tetanus, diphtheria and polio.

Adults at risk should make an appointment with the Practice Nurse for other immunisations such as hepatitis A and B and meningococcus A and C.